Sunday, 8 December 2013

Algorithms Research - Flowcharts & Structured English

Lalin, you WILL have the other blog posts done, but I cannot do them for Monday. I gave up two frees on Friday to get my coursework on track, which meant that I didn't do the work set for Friday's History lesson (she set work despite not being there) and obviously I had work on Saturday. Today has been the only day I could do work and I had the History work from Friday due Tuesday (but it's an hour and half's work), Law and English coursework due in for Monday. Obviously I spent most of today doing my English, which still isn't finished. So I'm doing this homework and on Wednesday, after the photoshoot, I shall do the rest of my blogs!

Algorithm Research - Flowcharts & Structured English

An algorithm is defined as a set of finite instructions written to solve a specific task, which is generic and programming-language independent

This is research, so all the other stuff will appear in a later blog :).

Flowcharts -
The flowcharts have basic symbols, which are recognised by most, but not all, programmers.

Examples of symbols which can be used in flowcharts:
 -Indicates the start or end of a program.
- Is used for decision making and branching.
 - Indicates any inputs and outputs.
 - This is the symbol for the connector, which joins two parts of a program together.
 - Indicates a process or instruction.
 - For any commentselaborations or definitions.

Although these are the main symbols, they are not the only symbols used, there are others which can be implicated.

A few things that should be noted when creating flowcharts:

  • Flowcharts should be clear and easy to follow. 
  • There should be no ambiguous steps. 
  • The direction of flow should remain consistent .
  • Only one flow line should come from a process symbol.
  • Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol, but several can leave it.
  • Flowcharts should have a start and a finish.
  • Testing flowcharts with test data is a good idea to ensure that the algorithm is as clear and uncomplicated as possible.
An example flowchart would be:
This particular flowchart is for finding out the average of two numbers.

Structured English -

This type of algorithm is similar to that of pseudo-code. However, most of the steps have few symbols or terms which relate to programming whatsoever.

An example algorithm would be:

Read name
   If name equals "Harry" Then
      Write "Why don't you marry Pippa?"
      Write "Are you royal enough?"
   End if

To show the difference between Structured English and Pseudo-code here are is an example:
Structured English:
Multiply Number1 by Number2 to get product

Product <-- Number1 * Number2

And that's pretty much all there is to it.
Will probably come back and edit this over Christmas anyway, because it's awful. Sorry Lalin :(.